Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Animoto: my magazine

This is a video version of my magazine.
The music used in this video slideshow, shows the type of genre my magazine is based on
Created by using animoto.com

My Magazine (Final Version)

This is my final version of my magazine.

1) Front Cover
2) Contents Page
3) Double Page Spread

Planning: Looking back...

Looking back to the beginning of the project we had 4 months to  research on our target market, make our front cover, contents page, DPS and the evaluation. During the research of our target market and analysising two front covers from two magazines, everything was going according to the project plan. When we started to make the publications, we found that some publications took more time than other.
At the start, I found that the front cover took the longest as we had to follow what our research told us about our target market; about the colour scheme, the type of genre etc. After completing the front cover, I found that the other publications took less time as the colour scheme etc would have to be the same as it would have to stay consistent with the front cover.
Instead of making the contents page (TOC) after completing the front cover, we made the DPS instead. This is because in the practise project,we have already made a TOC on the school magazine but did not do a DPS for it, and so it would be appropiate to spend more time on the DPS.
In the middle of making each publication, we also had to analyize each publication as well; like the front cover. Analyising the contents page and front cover didn't take too long as we did this in the earlier project. However, the DPS took about two weeks, seeing that we had to make the presentation and present it to everyone whilst being filmed (video of the presentation is on the blog).
Overall, it took us 4 months to complete the three publications and the research alone. We have yet to present our evaluations, however this will be done shortly.

Final draft of my TOC

This is my final draft of my contents page. I did most of my changes in the right two-thirds of the contents page.
First of all, I softened the edges of the images by copying and pasting them into powerpoint and using the effects there to soften them. I then pasted them back to my contents page.
Other changes I've made were including a number page as this is essential for a contents page. I also made the subscription section smaller as when it was printed out, it seemed that it was too big for the content page. The text inside the subscription box was arranged with the same length so it would look more organised.
The final change I've made was the quote as the quote I had before wasn't as controvertial as this one was. This quote is a real quote from the vocalist himself, talking about his band's song.

DPS analysis of existing products

Y12 DPS Sonia
Uploaded by mrlautest. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Sorry if i made no sense; i was very nervous.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Second draft of my TOC

This is my second draft of my TOC. Not much has changed from my first draft, only that I've forgot to put one piece of text in bold - located in the left third of the page. Other than that, nothing much has changed. There may still be improvements which needs to be seen and fixed.

Second front cover featured in the subscription

This is another front cover I've made especially for my subscription section. It follows the same conventions and colour scheme as my first front cover. However, it contains an extra feature, a button. This attracts the reader to the magazine as it uses persuasive language.
This time I let the head of the model go in front of the masthead as this is a convention which is often used in rock magazines. It also brings more attention to the model.

Fourth and final (probably) draft of my front cover

This is the fourth and final draft of my front cover.
What I've improved in this version is mainly the image of the model. As you can see from my earlier posts of my front cover, there were some 'messy' photoshopping. For example, the blonde highlights on the hair were extremely visable which makes it obvious to the viewer that the image has been photoshopped. In this version, I've fixed that problem and so it is not as visable as it used to be. I also fixed some small things such as: the pink highlight and the edge of the model's sharpness.
Moving away from the image itself, other changes I made was the size of the barcode as it was bigger than it is now which was uncessessary.

Final version of the article for my DPS

Right Hook Ruin entered the world of music as an official signed band just last summer when they were offered a place in one of the UK’s most successful records, Roadrunner records on July 24. They joined the famously known bands: US’s Biffy Clyro, Funeral for a Friend and Kids in Glass Houses. Lead guitarist, TJ Jones, tells us all about the bands ups and downs and what’s to come in the future.

First of all, congrats becoming a signed band!
TJ Jones: “Thanks, it was a real shock for us, but we’ve worked really hard so we deserve it.”

How did it happen?
“We were invited to do this gig in the O2 Academy in Birmingham to support Kill Casino. We were really excited already since we've only really preformed in London and it was our first time performing in another city, plus we were performing with the Kill Casino which was awesome! We did our gig and met up with Kill Casino in the dressing room. Then a few minutes later our manager called us out and said that one of the managers from Roadrunners Records was in the crowd and that he really liked our style. He wanted to meet with us personally and when we did, before you knew it, we signed a contract and officially became a signed band!”

How did the band react to this?
“We were all really ecstatic. Well at first we were like say what?! But when we had time to think about it we were like hell yeah, go for it! This, at least, tells us that people out there do like our music and so this would encourage us to write more songs for our fans”

What about the fans and family?
“They were really great and supportive, especially our family since they have been there since Right Hook Ruin was formed. Our fans, they’ve been great too since they follow us around [laugh]. We could see who our dedicated fans are since we mainly perform in Camden Barfly.”

Looking back, what was it like for you girls when you formed Right Hook Ruin?
“Hmm...I would say that it’s been a good three years since we formed RHR. There have been some problems along the way but we managed to solve them.

Ooh what type of problems?
“We don’t want to talk about them. The only thing important now is that we have overcame them and that we are great to go to become an awesome band”

Moving on, do you think being signed would add pressure to the band?
“Totally since being a signed band is a big thing. But I think that we will be able to live up to our current and new fan’s expectations and over a period of time we wouldn’t feel pressured anymore. Anyways, we’ve got our fans supporting us all the way.

How does the future look for Right Hook Ruin?
“We'll have a lot more gigs to do that’s for sure [laugh]. Hopefully we will continue to increase our popularity and we won't have to face the problems we've had in the past. So, I'll say that it looks good so far. We thank everyone who has supported us since the very beginning of when we were not well known, you guys are the reasons why we have debuted as a sign band. So look out world, Right Hook Ruin is here and is ready to rock your socks off!”


Final draft of my DPS

This is my final draft of my DPS. I did some improvements to it. I also experimented with colour to see which ones suited my DPS.
First of all, instead of blue splatters around the article, I changed the colour to black. This is because it will allow the colour scheme to stay consistent with the other publications.

Not only that, I tried adding splatters to the main body text to see if it will look good - the result is shown here ------------------------------>
However, I thought that it looked a bit too messy and could cause the reader to have a hard time reading the article itself, and so i erased them. To make up to this, I added more splatters to the edges of the DPS and the article. I also changed the colour of the leading text to make it more consistent with the colour scheme of the front cover, unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact same pink as shown in the front cover and so  it didn't give the same effect.

<---- As well as experimenting with the splatters, I also experimented with the colour of the article title and the byline. I thought that it may be aesthetically good as it connects with the colour of the wall in the background. However, it didn't look as good as it could be and so I left it white; this also keeps the magazine's consistency.
I also deleted the page number on the left hand side as it would of clashed with the splatters.

First draft of my contents page

This is my first draft of my contents page
As you can see from my mock up TOCs, i have chosen to follow my first TOC mock up.
After researching and analysising some existing contents pages created for the magazines: Kerrang and NME, I tried to use some conventions from both of those magazines.
The layout of the contents page is mainly from Kerrang, however I put the text on the left third of the page and the image on the right two-thirds. The eye flow follows the eye flow used in Kerrang; a 'C' shape. This means that the reader would first see the issue number first, gradually moving to the text in the left third and then to the bottom-right image.
Overall, I think most of the conventions were from Kerrang and it seems to resemble it. Compared to my first drafts of my front cover and my DPS, I think that this first draft is the strongest. There are only minor improvements which needs to be touched on.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Third draft of the DPS

This is the third draft of my DPS. I've made some minor improvements in this version.
First of all, i've added more paint splaters in the background of the article title and the byline. This makes the DPS more in the Rock 'n' Roll genre. This shows the type of genre the band plays. I did this by using different types of paint and splatter brushes and using the same colour, I added some splatters to the article title, byline, the leading text and the edges of the article itself.
I also edited the article as there were some typos.

TOC analysis