Monday 26 April 2010

My Evaluation

Part 1:

Y12 Evaluation Sonia Part 1
Uploaded by mrlautest. - Classic TV and last night's shows, online.

Part 2:

Y12 Evaluation Sonia Part 2
Uploaded by mrlautest. - Check out other Film & TV videos.

My Magazine Evaluation

EvalutionSlide 1:This is my music magazine, RAWR! First of all, I want to explain how I got the masthead RAWR! The idea of RAWR! as my masthead first came from the phrase “raw music” which, in my opinion , would mean live gigs. Another way of interpreting the masthead is that rawr is the onomatopoeia of the reaction of the audience when they are at a live gig listening to one of their favourite bands. I was first thinking that the “raw music” could be the masthead, however, I thought that it was too long and so I that is how I got RAWR!