This is the final version of my contents page for my school magazine. I have changed some of the features, for example, the hue and saturation of the background.
The background of the contents page used to be brighter; as shown in the first draft. Now the background is dimmer so the white text can be seen. I changed this by lowering the lighting of the background, giving me this result.
I changed the size of the text as it was too big. This made my contents page look too complicated. By changing the text to a smaller size allowed the text to breathe and flow easily.
Not only did I change the size of the text, I also changed the colour of it as this can show that it relates to my front cover. The colours used on my front cover shows the magazines brand and so in order to show that they relate I had to keep the colour scheme the same.
I added a shadow behind the text 'CONTENTS'. This made it stand out from the sub-headings and other text.
I finally made the images smaller and make a gap between the edge of the magazine and the images. This also allowed the magazine to breathe.