Monday 5 October 2009

Photoshop editing: make over

This was the original photo taken before I used the software, Adobe Photoshop Elements to touch up on the make up to make it more appealing.

As you can see, this is the copy of the original which has been edited by Adobe Photoshop Elements.
I have erased unnecessary spots to make the photo more neater. To help this I blurred the photo so her skin look smoother.
On a duplicate layer, I erased the work of the blurred tool on her eyes, lips, earring and nose piercing to make them look sharper so they can stand out. This is what most magazine editors do to make these features look more appealing.
I made another layer to change the colour of her eyes. I used the brush tool and made it the same size as her iris. I changed her eyes from hazel/brown to blue and changed the light from normal to soft light to make her eyes look more realistic.
I then changed the colour of her hair from brownish to blonde. To do this I used the Hue/Saturation tool located above in the layers section. I also had to change the lighting from normal to soft light to make it more realistic.
This is how I got this result.

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