Wednesday, 23 December 2009

second draft of music magazine front cover

This is my second draft of my front cover. In this draft I took
into account the improvements I noted in the post about my first draft of my front cover.
First of all, I changed the cover lines' font to the second most popular font which is referred in my target market questionnaire. However, I was at a disadvantage as my photoshop at home holds a limited amount of fonts meaning that the font for my cover lines were not available and so I had to find a font similar to the font which I originally wanted. This also disrupted my selling line. As you can see my selling line is a different font from last time. This was unintentional as my original plan was to change the size of it. However, my version of photoshop didn't recognise the font and so changed it to another font. To fix I will have to change the fonts for both the cover lines and the selling line back to the fonts I want them to be using the photoshop available in my school's computer system. The result of this will be shown in my third draft.
I, secondly erased the gaussian blur on the forehead of my model to the hairline could look more natural. This makes the model look a bit less 'fake' than before. For the selling line, I completely changed it. I tried to make it more exciting using informal language as well as directing it to the audience; however, I'm not sure if this did the trick. The word "jammin'" might be considered as colloquial language as you would only expect it to be said but not written; this also adds to the excitement. The last feature I changed was the font size of the dateline and the price. I made it smaller so there is more negative space surrounding them. This was also annoying to change since the font was unrecognisable and so I had to change that font too. From doing all of this, this is the result I got. As you can see, there is not much of a difference from the first draft, but there are small improvements in this version which may or may not be recognisable.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

First draft of music magazine cover

This is the first draft of my music magazine cover. As you can see, this version has many problems which need to be improved - but this is what you expect from a first draft of a magazine.
First of all, let me explain the good aspects of this version. One of my good aspects is that the masthead and the cover lines follow the eye flow in a 'C' shape. I also tried to keep the rule of thirds in contact. You can see that the image is in all of the thirds as it is a close-up image. However, the model's highlights are in the left-third which is also associated with the cover lines, selling line and the barcode. The other two-thirds consists of the model's face and the main kicker and explanatory text. Another good aspect is that the masthead stands out from the rest of the text. The main kicker also stands out, but not as much as the masthead. The text also fits the genre of the music magazine which shows who the magazine is targeted for - however this only worked for some of the text - this is also shown by the pink paint splat effects in the background. The background itself is also a good aspect of this first draft as it looks like a fence which can be associated with the genre.
On the other hand, there were many bad aspects of this first draft which needs to be improving. I asked my teacher for feedback of my magazine and these were the points which needs to be worked on. First of all, my teacher said that the font used for the selling line and the strap line works really well, however this type of font does not co-operate with the cover lines and so a fourth font will have to be used on the cover lines so it would look better. Secondly, the image of the model seems to be photoshopped too much and so, to make the hairline more natural, some of the gaussian blur used on the forehead will have to erased. In my opinion, i agree with my teacher as the model seems too 'fake' as so needs to have some natural aspects about it. Another point my teacher made was that the selling line seems too dull and does not relate to the genre of the music magazine. As your can see this is true since the phrase 'Updating you with the lastest news' isn't exciting at all and is simple and unattractive. The fourth and final point is that the dateline and the price of the magazine needs to have a smaller font size so there is more negative space around them.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Photoshoot plan for front cover

This is the photoshoot plan for the front cover of my music magazine. This will help me to organize my photoshoot. I also made a back up photoshoot if my original photoshoot does not go to plan. For example, if the model is ill on the day of the shoot or another problem arises. It explains what is needed in the shoot and if there are any editing which needs to be done on Adobe Photoshop (the use of photoshop has to be kept to a minimum).

Mock up of front cover

This is the mock up for my front cover of my music magazine. It includes the colour scheme which my target audience thought was the best out of the options. It is also in the size which it will be in for my music magazine. It follows the eye flow, a 'C' shape, which is often used in other music magazines such as 'Q' and 'Kerrang'. I tried to have the text in the desired font however, it didn't work.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Second magazine analysis

This is the second analysis of an existing product's front cover. This time the magazine is 'Q', another magazine popular in the UK. The analysis looks at the same conventions as in the first magazine analysis.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Music magazine: first magazine analysis

This is the first front cover analysis of the magazine 'Kerrang!'. This briefly states the conventions the magazine uses to attract its target audience.


This is the moodboard for my music magazine. This shows the feeling my magazine is suppose to give out.
As my music magazine is based upon rock pop, indie and alternative, my moodboard mainly has artist from those genres such as: Kasabian, Kelly Clarkson and The Script. The moodboard also contains features of an album from artist in these genres such as: The Hoosiers, Asian Kung-Fu Generation (the cartoons) and the All American Rejects.
It is also linked to my music magazine by some of the colour schemes as well as the font mentioned. It mainly has the colours: pink, blue and black featured as from the target market results this is the most popular colour scheme. This shows that this moodboard has the same brand as my music magazine. The font featured in the top-left corner is the font for the masthead of the magazine.
The moodboard also features some of the fashion which has been influenced by these genres, including: colourful hoodies, checkered dresses and band T-shirts as well as band merchandise. The game 'Rock Band 2', contains songs from artists catorgorized in one of these genres, which is why it is also featured in this moodboard.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Contents page: final version

This is the final version of my contents page for my school magazine. I have changed some of the features, for example, the hue and saturation of the background.
The background of the contents page used to be brighter; as shown in the first draft. Now the background is dimmer so the white text can be seen. I changed this by lowering the lighting of the background, giving me this result.
I changed the size of the text as it was too big. This made my contents page look too complicated. By changing the text to a smaller size allowed the text to breathe and flow easily.
Not only did I change the size of the text, I also changed the colour of it as this can show that it relates to my front cover. The colours used on my front cover shows the magazines brand and so in order to show that they relate I had to keep the colour scheme the same.
I added a shadow behind the text 'CONTENTS'. This made it stand out from the sub-headings and other text.
I finally made the images smaller and make a gap between the edge of the magazine and the images. This also allowed the magazine to breathe.

Target Market research and results

This is the questionnaire I created and used to find out facts about my target market - their ideal music magazine. Doing this helps me get the idea of what my music magazine should be like in order for my target market to like it and want to purchase it. I have organised it as a tally chart as this is less confusing and it will save resources.

These are the results I got from my target market. In total I have asked 24 people their opinion on their favourite magazine. I put them into a pie chart as this makes it easier for the results to be shown. These results will help me make my music magazine suitable my target market's taste and so will make a successful magazine.

Music magazine: Project Plan

This is the plan of the music magazine which i will follow until the end of the project. This will help me complete the project by the time of the deadline. According to this project plan, the project should be completed by late march, 2010 and so is to be handed in at that time. It would then be sent to the examiner to await further marking.
I made this using microsoft excel and copying it on to microsoft word.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Contents page: first draft

This is the first draft of my contents page which was also made using Adobe Photoshop elements 4.0.
This was made using the same principle as in the front cover. First of all, it follows the eye order as well as the rule of thirds.
However, there are many faults in this draft of the contents page. For example, there is too many text on a one A4 sized contents page. This makes it looks like the page is 'suffocating'. This is also given by the size of the text as it is too big.
The colour scheme of the text does not fit the front cover of the magazine. This won't show that the front cover and the contents page relate and can confuse the reader.
Overall, this is a poorly made contents page, however, it is the first draft and so an improved version will be uploaded shortly.

Planning of the contents page photoshoot

Friday, 30 October 2009

Table of Contents layout plan


Please note that my magazine cover can't show up for some reason and this problem will be fixed as soon as possible.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Layout of my own magazine

This is the layout of my own magazine. This is what I will base my own magazine cover on.

Planning the front cover image

Planning The Front Cover Image
View more documents from guest57c11.

This is the plan we had to fill out in order to proceed with the photoshoot. This helped me organise what is needed to be done so I could take the image i wanted to shoot.

Research on magazine covers

The first thing we had to do is to analyize a magazine cover of our choice. We had to analylise a range of techniques such as the image, font, coverlines etc, which can attract the magazine's target market. This will help me plan my layout for my school magazine. I chose to analyise this magazine because this is one of my favourite magazines featuring one of my favourite bands

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Research on camera shots

There are a range of camera shots used when producing a storyboard. In total there are 9 camera shots. The camera shots are:

This is a wide shot (also known as an establishing shot).
This shows the view of the scene of where the first scene it take place.

This is a Long Shot.
This shows some of the scene, but mainly focuses on the person shown from head to toe. The person occupies 3/4 to 1/3 of screen height.

This is a Medium Shot.
This shot focuses on the waist - in some cases knee - up of the person. This allows the audience to see the person's face more clearly and their interactions with other people. This shot is also known as a social shot.

This is a close-up shot.
This shot only focuses above the upper chest of the person. This allows the audience to see the person's emotions clearly through their face expressions. It can let them empathise with the person. This is also known as a personal shot.

This is an Extreme Close-up Shot.
This shot focuses on detail of the face expressions and emotions - like the close up shot. However, it creates an intense atmosphere and provides interation between the audience and the person. This shot is mainly used in horror films and magazines for that purpose.

This is an over-the-shoulder shot. This is also known as a point of view shot.
The camera is positioned behind a person's shoulder so it focuses on the other person's face (the person talking).

This is a low angle shot.
The camera is positioned below eye level of the person and looks upwards to him. This creates the impression that the person is bigger making it look like he has more power than the audience. This would make the audience look more valnerable.

This is a high angle shot.
The camera is positioned above eye level of the person and looks downwards. This creates the impression that the person is smaller and is less powerful than the audience.

This is an aerial shot. Also known as a bird's eye view shot.
This is usually taken from a helicopter or a crane so it can be directly over the setting or the person.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Research on fonts

In class we did some research into different types of fonts which magazines would usually use. We found that there are four main types of fonts which are mostly used. They are:
  • Serif Font
Used for both big and small text. For small texts, it is a better option than using san serif fonts as it is easier to read.
DejaVu Serif Condensed
Times New Romans
  • Sans serif Font
Used for mainly big text as it is easier to read
DejaVu Sans Condensed

Lucida Sans Unicode

Microsoft Sans Serif

Trebuchet MS


  • Decorative Font

Mainly used on the front cover to add emphasis on the masthead

$Five Double Zero Regular

10.12 4

Bertram Font

Futura Bold Font

1980 Portable Font

  • Script-style font
Used to elaborate special occasions. It looks formal and so it is mainly used in classical music magazines. This type of font looks more personal so it wouldn't be used for the body text. These types of fonts are based on fountain pens and so gives the same effect.
Freestyle font

Monday, 5 October 2009

Photoshop: Cloning

This was another photo taken on the same day as the other photo however, this one was taken by another group. The scenario for this photo were students arriving to school in the morning. This is the original photo.

This is the edited photo. This was also edited using Photoshop Elements. The main task was to get rid of unnecessary things such as texts etc by cloning a similar area on top of the area you want to clone. For this i used the cloning stamp tool to get rid of the school's name displayed on the building. I also got rid of the security camera and it's reflection and the single yellow line on the road, the puddle.

Photoshop: Colour filter


This was one of the first tasks as a Media studies student I had to do. First of all, as a group we had to take photos around school with the guide of a few scenarios. This was one photo my group took. This was for an advert for a shop i.e. Topshop etc. This is the original shot.


This is the edited photo. I used Photoshop elements for this photo. I mainly coloured the surroundings (walls, floor etc) in different colours using the brush tool, and then changing the lighting from normal to soft light. I also added the chosen shop's logo which was H&M located at the low left corner of the photo.

Photoshop editing: make over

This was the original photo taken before I used the software, Adobe Photoshop Elements to touch up on the make up to make it more appealing.

As you can see, this is the copy of the original which has been edited by Adobe Photoshop Elements.
I have erased unnecessary spots to make the photo more neater. To help this I blurred the photo so her skin look smoother.
On a duplicate layer, I erased the work of the blurred tool on her eyes, lips, earring and nose piercing to make them look sharper so they can stand out. This is what most magazine editors do to make these features look more appealing.
I made another layer to change the colour of her eyes. I used the brush tool and made it the same size as her iris. I changed her eyes from hazel/brown to blue and changed the light from normal to soft light to make her eyes look more realistic.
I then changed the colour of her hair from brownish to blonde. To do this I used the Hue/Saturation tool located above in the layers section. I also had to change the lighting from normal to soft light to make it more realistic.
This is how I got this result.

College magazine analysis and comparison