Saturday 26 March 2011

Coding my trailer within my website

First of all, in order to make the website, we had to upload our teaser trailer unto and customise the embed options to suit the size of my website. In my case, in order to fit into my website, I changed the size of the embed video to 350x252 pixels. I also set the video so it would autoplay when you visit the homepage, it would play automatically.

Adding the JPEG file of our website to Dreamweaver and
setting the background colour

After setting the video to the way we want it, we then had to make the actual website. To make it we used Macromedia Dreamweaver. This contained basic A-level ICT involving coding to embed the teaser trailer onto the website and placing it in the right position. To do this we had to enter the code:

(<)style type="text/css"(>)

Position: Absolute;
top: 200px;
left: 550px;

The number of pixels entered next to 'top' and 'left' will determine where the trailer will be placed.

This is the result I got :

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